
Successful newsletters create a rapport with readers by providing information that somehow improves their lives. Despite the proliferation of information from analysts, publishers and the web…there's a genuine content gap out there. But as a company you'll be unlikely to fill it by harping on about your expansion into Eastern Europe or the key benefits of your product for the umpteenth time - unless it has some real relevance to the reader.

Client: Mobicomp

Brief: To move from being an insular and product-focused newsletter to a more dynamic, thought provoking and collaborative piece of communication.

Result: An increase in the number of subscribers coupled with great feedback.

Client: Minerva

Brief: To create a client newsletter that truly pushed the boundaries and provided a forum for client discussion and debate about the real issues facing big organisations as they look to effect change.

Result: An incredible response from senior HR and operations managers, who rarely get the chance to think outside the box.